7, 12, & 40

7, 12, & 40

Dear Rose Park,

There’s a lot of symbolism in the bible. For example, any time scripture mentions water, it’s a safe bet there’s a connection to baptism. Any time scripture mentions fire, it’s a safe bet there’s a connection to the Holy Spirit. This symbolism isn’t limited to physical things, it also includes numbers. There are seven days of creation, seven churches listed in Revelation, and seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. There are twelve tribes of Israel, twelve apostles, and Jacob even had twelve sons. Needless to say, biblical numbers are important.

Mapmaker or Traveler?

Mapmaker or Traveler?

Dear Rose Park,

As many of you know, I enjoy listening to audiobooks. Every morning, when I take our two dogs Rudy & Rosie out for a walk, I’ll pop in my headphones and listen to an audiobook for 30 to 40 minutes. Lately, I’ve been listening to Dare to Lead by Brene Brown. Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston where she specializes in the fields of courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. As the two dogs and I braved the cold, I heard a phrase from Brene and thought of you all.

Creation is Still Good

Creation is Still Good

Dear Rose Park,

The Old Testament begins with a beautiful story of creation. It is beautiful and at the same time an explosion of God’s power. Light rushes in, ground rises from the depths, water is swirling and bubbling, vegetation is spreading and growing, living creatures of every kind are flying, running, climbing and crawling, and even humankind is being formed and molded in the image of God. It is a beautiful story of God’s power, creativity, and love for His creation. Throughout this narrative we hear a phrase that sets the rhythm of creation: “And God saw that it was good.”

Our Lord is Like a Dentist

Our Lord is Like a Dentist

Dear Rose Park,

Yesterday afternoon I had my annual physical. I was right in anticipating the various encouragements and reprimands I might receive from the doctor. My blood pressure was too this and my cholesterol was too that. Lately, I’ve found myself joining that stereotypical population of men who dislike the doctor’s office or even avoid it altogether when the time comes for a full lookover. I’m sure there are a whole host of reasons as to why this is, but at some point, I wonder if it’s the discomfort of being told a truth you already know but wish you didn’t.

The Church at Ben's Hope

The Church at Ben's Hope

Dear Rose Park,

This past Sunday evening, I had the great joy and privilege to preach at Benjamin’s Hope. Pastor Eric Peterson typically preaches at Rose Park when I’m on vacation, so I was more than willing to return the favor as he’s currently on vacation. After the congregation gathered and we sang our first song, I was reminded yet again of God’s goodness and love as we read the mission statement of Ben’s Hope together.

Mission 2025

Mission 2025

Dear Rose Park,

A few weeks ago, the Reformed Church in America held their annual mission conference in Orlando, FL. The title for this year’s conference was, “Roots And Branches.” Those who gathered engaged in workshops with titles like “Reimagining the Traditional Mission Trip Experience,” “Rooted in God’s Call to Grow the Global Church,” and “Stories of Hope and Resilience from Peacebuilding in South Sudan.” The Reformed Church has a long and fruitful history of mission work. It’s my great hope we at Rose Park can participate.

Wisdom Literature

Wisdom Literature

Dear Rose Park,

In the month of January, I’ve been more intentional to spend time in a portion of the Bible known as Wisdom Literature. This section includes the book of Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, the Psalms, and Proverbs. As a pastor, husband, father, son, and friend it seems to be a good place to spend some extra time.



Dear Rose Park,

I imagine some of you have made New Years’ Resolutions. Maybe it’s to lose those pesky ten pounds that you gained around the holidays. Maybe it’s to be on your phone less and read a book more often. Maybe it’s to finally clean out the attic. Or maybe for some of you it’s to save and invest more of your money. As your pastor, I’d like to invite you to consider a different kind of investment.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Dear Rose Park,

You might still be sweeping up the confetti from your all-night party or just waking up after sleeping in; regardless, welcome to a new day and a new year. With the coming of a new year there will undoubtedly be the question, “what’s your New Year’s resolution?” Maybe you already have one, maybe you haven’t even thought of one, or maybe you’re looking for one. If that’s the case, consider this: