Bingo at Ann's

Dear Rose Park,

Yesterday afternoon, after his nap, Simon and I drove to the south side of town to visit Ann Lawrence. Ann is a charter member of Rose Park and lives in the cottages at Resthaven on 32nd Street. Simon and I drove south on Butternut past the doughnut shop (Dutch Delight), over the bridge, by the big diggers (Padnos), up the big hill (Holland Hospital) until we finally made it to Resthaven. As Simon and I walked inside, we saw Ann right away. She was with her friends in the activity room playing bingo.

Winn Julia

Dear Rose Park,

Last Wednesday at 4:11pm Winn Julia Waterstone was born. 10 toes. 10 fingers. 2 eyes. 2 ears. Sam counted them all at least three times. In a split second, we fell in love. Leading up to her birth, Sam and I kept asking each other, ‘how is it possible to love another child like we love Simon?’ But as soon as Winn was born, it was as if our minds were clear and our hearts grew three sizes bigger.

Communion in Portage

Dear Rose Park,

Last week Friday I woke up early. I took Rudy for a walk while it was still dark and there wasn’t a car in sight. I filled up my car with gas and my cup with coffee at Family Fare just as it opened. The sun wasn’t even flirting with the horizon as I caught the last twenty-minutes of “First & Last” on ESPN radio and drove east on Riley. I drove 196 to M6 and then 131 south all the way to Portage, MI to visit my 89-year-old grandfather, Don Brinks.

Thank You

Dear Rose Park,

Thank you.  Thank you for being you.  Thank you for all that you do to bless not only Sam, Simon and I, but all that you do to bless Rose Park, the community of Holland, and the Kingdom of God.  The love that was shown to us during this past week’s baby ‘sprinkle’ was overwhelming; we are reminded again of how grateful we are to have you in our lives.  From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

The Church Bell

Dear Rose Park,

As Rick mentioned a few weeks ago during worship, the ‘Tuesday Morning Crew’ of guys have been graciously working on cleaning and maintaining our church bell. If you get a chance, please offer a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to Jim Boeve, Rog Wolters, Jim Kiekover, Art DeRoo, Jack Hartman, or Gary Haverdink. I love the sound of a church bell. I love when little ones run up the stairs to pull the rope and ring it prior to our morning service. I love it not only because it’s pleasing to the eye and to the ear, but it’s also pleasing to the heart and soul.

GEMS Candlelight

Dear Rose Park,

Last week Wednesday Sam, Simon, and I had the great joy of attending the candlelight service for the GEMS. If you’re unfamiliar, GEMS stands for Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior. This is a ministry Rose Park has participated in for many years; young girls have grown into mothers and sent their own daughters to GEMS. It’s a beautiful image of discipleship to the next generation of young girls.

The Queen

Dear Rose Park,

            I read a small devotion this morning from a book in my office that was collecting dust on the shelf.  It’s a thin green book and it was given to me as a gift from a supporter of mine during seminary.  The title for the devotion is “The Queen”. If you’re like me you instantly put on your detective hat and ask the question, who is the queen?  If you read the devotion though, the queen isn’t a who, it’s a what.  To explain, let me share the brief devotion with you:

My New Friend Don

Dear Rose Park,

Last night I attended a meeting at Fellowship Reformed Church. The meeting’s content was an update from the Vision 2020 Team. If you’re not sure what I’m referring to, I’d highly recommend you follow the link at the bottom of the page to a recent article from the RCA website. In short, in light of some deep divisions in our denomination a team has been formed to consider the future of our denomination. Last night’s meeting was an update from that team. The meeting began with lament. The meeting endured intense moments. And because of my new friend Don, the meeting ended with hope.

Worldwide Communion Sunday

Dear Rose Park,

            This coming Sunday we’ll celebrate Worldwide Communion Sunday. Communion typically happens in our community on the first Sunday of even numbered months.  For some Reformed churches this still happens quarterly and for others it occurs every month.  Communion Sunday’s are some of my favorite worship services, especially when the entire global Church is also joining us around God’s table; it’s a beautiful time together where we gather in remembrance, communion, and hope.


Dear Rose Park,

Yesterday afternoon Sam and I finally made our way to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The DMV is the three letter acronym that causes our blood pressure to rise and our patience to thin. If you’d like some peace and quiet, the DMV is not the place you want to be. If you’d like your own personal space, the DMV is not the place you want to be. And if you’re in a hurry, the DMV is not the place you want to be.