He Knows His Sheep By Name

He Knows His Sheep By Name

Dear Rose Park,

One of my favorite responsibilities of being a pastor is having the opportunity to preside at the communion table. I love speaking the words of institution and inviting you all to come to the table of remembrance, communion, and hope. I love seeing families walk down the center aisle of our sanctuary together preparing for the bread and cup. I love hearing voices say, Thanks be to God after receiving the gifts of God. And this past Sunday, I found yet another thing I love about communion.

Worldwide Communion Sunday

Worldwide Communion Sunday

Dear Rose Park,

Typically, when we hear or read the word vow, we think of a wedding. Images of a bride and groom standing at the altar making promises to love and care for one another in sickness and in health appear in our mind. However, vows are not limited to a wedding. As a Minister of Word and Sacrament, I made vows when I was ordained. Together, we made vows when I was installed as the pastor here at Rose Park. As we approach worldwide communion Sunday, I’ve been contemplating the vows we make when receiving new members into the family of God here at Rose Park.

Weddings Are Easy; Marriages Are Difficult

Weddings Are Easy; Marriages Are Difficult

Dear Rose Park,

This past Saturday, my family and I attended my cousin Luke’s wedding. After coming home from vacation in South Carolina on Thursday evening and attending Winnie’s soccer practice on Saturday morning, we loaded back into the car and drove to Kirk in the Hills Presbyterian Church in Bloomfield, MI. It was a beautiful ceremony. As Sam, the kids, and I sat in the pew and witnessed Luke and his bride Corinne make vows to one another, I started to think of you all.



Dear Rose Park,

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. This well-known quote is attributed to the Irish poet and playwright, Oscar Wilde. It essentially means when we imitate someone (speak like them, dress like them, conduct ourselves like them) we are showing a great deal of respect and honor because we desire to be like them. We typically hear this phrase when a parent explains to a child why their sibling is copying them, but I wonder if you’ve ever thought of it in light of your relationship with Christ?

Swing Wide

Swing Wide

Dear Rose Park,

Have you noticed the past few Sundays we have been blessed with some new faces in worship?  It is such a blessing to see new faces; whether they are families from other towns, siblings who have come home, or even new residents who have moved to Holland we are certainly blessed as a Church family to welcome new families and individuals to worship.

I Can Work With That

I Can Work With That

Dear Rose Park,

35 When it grew late, his disciples came to him and said, “This is a deserted place, and the hour is now very late; 36 send them away so that they may go into the surrounding country and villages and buy something for themselves to eat.” 37 But Jesus answered them, “You give them something to eat.” They said to him, “Are we to go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread, and give it to them to eat?” 38 And he said to them, “How many loaves have you? Go and see.” When they had found out, they said, “Five, and two fish.”



Dear Rose Park,

As another academic year is beginning (Simon starts 1st Grade and Winnie begins Young Kinders) my own memories of elementary school are coming to the surface. Memories of sack lunches and recess twice a day. Memories of book reports and science projects. Memories of dodgeball and dear friends.

The Listener Completes the Song

The Listener Completes the Song

Dear Rose Park,

Earlier this week I finished listening to the audiobook entitled “Miracle and Wonder” by Malcolm Gladwell. In this particular book, Gladwell interviewed Paul Simon, the famous singer-songwriter from the duo Simon & Garfunkel. Simon shared thoughts and context from his illustrious career while also shedding light on his creative process. Near the end of the interview though, I heard Paul utter a phrase that’s continued to echo in my mind.