Mary & Martha

Dear Rose Park,

Many of you are familiar with the story of Mary and Martha. It’s the story of how Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and Martha was too busy making preparations. We read and tell this story to remind people that our schedules, though important, are far less important than being in the presence of Jesus. This is absolutely true and it’s something I need to be reminded of daily; however, if we run with this idea too far we miss out on opportunities to serve and act.

In my office is a scale, not the kind you use to weigh yourself, but the traditional kind with two plates balancing from the same arm. It serves as a reminder to the importance of balance; the story of Mary and Martha can also serve as a reminder of balance. Of course we need to intentionally carve our time to simply be in the presence of God (Mary), but we also need to intentionally carve out time to do, act, participate, and serve (Martha).

In the coming weeks there are ample opportunities to serve at Rose Park. Here are just a few: if you’d like to hand out candy or chili join us on Wednesday October 27 from 5:30-7:00pm for Trunk R’ Treat in the parking lot. If you’d like to provide breakfast or snack bags for Hand2Hand get in touch with Amy Lemire in providing food for local hungry students. If you’d like to participate in Operation Christmas Child get in touch with Doris Neinhuis and pack a box for a child around the world.

So, if you’re calendar is filled with service opportunities maybe you need to intentionally carve out time to simply be in the presence of God. Or, if you’re calendar is wide open perhaps you need to intentionally carve out time to do, act, participate, serve, and show the love of Jesus. Wherever you find yourself, know that God is present in both situations seeking to mold and shape your heart like His.

Grace & Peace,


Pastor Mark