What Brings You Joy?

Dear Rose Park,

What brings you joy? Is it the laughter of your children or grandchildren? The long enduring friendships you’ve had since high school? The beautiful music we hear during the holidays? A quiet walk in the woods? The sound of the church bell signifying worship? Or even the collective voices in the sanctuary singing together on Sunday morning? What brings you joy?

In Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia he writes these words, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Joy is a fruit of the Spirit; when we align ourselves with the Spirit of God we will speak, share, and display joy. Keep in mind, joy is distinct from happiness. Happiness has a temporary feel and it can easily change based on surroundings or other external factors. Joy on the other hand has far more to do with Jesus than it does our own feelings or surroundings. When we experience joy in the Lord (knowing that God’s promises are true and we are His children) our hearts will swell despite our circumstances or surroundings.

So, what brings you joy? As you enter the doors on the north side of the church you’ll be greeted with a large bulletin-board with the word JOY. Each letter is a small poster-board and we’re asking you to to fill in these letters with your answer to “what brings you joy?” It’s our hope that by expressing and sharing our reason for joy we’ll come to realize that there is so much in this world that God has blessed us. For me, I experience tremendous joy when standing next to my children and wife in worship. When I feel Simon grab my leg and see Winnie cling to Sam while the words of worship surround us my heart is filled with joy because of the faithfulness of God.

I hope you experience joy sometime this week. Maybe it’s at the Thanksgiving table, on a quiet walk with a friend, or even while studying God’s Word. May God send His Spirit upon us so that our lives might be a display of joy for the world to see.

Grace & Peace,


Pastor Mark

PS - Thank you so much ladies for beautifying our new bulletin-boards!