The Reformed Journal & The Family Table

Dear Rose Park,

I love to read; whether it’s the Holland Sentinel, a good novel, a biblical commentary, a memoir or autobiography, poetry, or even a blog. I read something every day and if you’re looking to start that commitment, you might like The Reformed Journal.

Here’s from their website ( : Our purpose is to publish Christian writing that delights readers and engages the world in a Reformed way. 

The Reformed Journal was published from 1951 to 1990 by Eerdman’s and originally drew authors and readers primarily from the Christian Reformed Church. The mantle was then passed to Perspectives: A Journal of Reformed Thought, originally sponsored by the Reformed Church in America. Perspectives started an online presence with the introduction of The Twelve blog in 2011. Today’s digital Reformed Journal is not affiliated with any denomination or institution, but stands on the shoulders of both the original Reformed Journal and Perspectives. 

In a recent post entitled, “The Mystery Owns Us,” Rev. Jacqui Mignault poses the question how do we live out the mystery of Easter? After lamenting the pain of these past few years and desiring a hope for the future, Mignault finds herself desiring to share a meal with Jesus. Mignault writes a thought-provoking article on how the invitation of Christ is a beautiful mystery. You can read the full article here:

I’d imagine Mignault’s goal, like many authors and pastors, is to get us thinking. She certainly got me thinking of you all gathered around the table on Wednesday nights. I thought about people of all ages singing “Jesus Loves Me” before we have dessert. I thought about Jim Boeve and Jack Hartman giving Rog Wolters a hard time while they wait in line. I thought about little ones anxiously waiting for their raffle ticket to be called in order to win the gift card to the Peanut Store. I thought about the faithful hands that prepare each meal and the hungry mouths that eat it.

This is all to say, perhaps the best way we live out the mystery of Easter is by receiving the invitation God has extended to us, gathering around the table of grace, and by living in gratitude back to Him.

We look forward to seeing you at our last Family Table on Wednesday April 27 at 5:30pm.

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Mark