Dear Rose Park,
Last week, my family and I drove to Zeeland East High School to watch Ava Lemire play volleyball. On the way, my daughter Winnie asked me: Dad, how do you know the way to this place? My initial response was simply to say because I just know the way. As I’ve had some to think about that question, I’ve also thought of Jesus and you.
I know the way to Zeeland East High School because I’ve driven there before. I know the way because I’ve driven on Riley St. countless times and have seen the high school on my way to Family Fare on the corner of Riley and 96th. I know the way to Zeeland East High School because we used to see it on our way to and from Cherrie VanderSlik’s house when our kids went there for daycare. It’s not that I just know where the school is located on a map, it’s that I’ve been there before, and I know which roads lead there.
In a similar way, I know God because I know the Way to God. I know God because I know the Way is written in the bible and it’s made flesh in the person of Jesus. This is the way God reveals Himself. In theological terms, we call this special revelation. It’s my encouragement to you, to know the Way to God. Too often, I worry that many Christians are simply waiting for God to show up in a burning bush, write His name in the sky, or speak to us audibly through a booming voice from the heavens.
Though God might choose to do this, it seems more likely that we would come to know God by knowing the Way (the Bible & Jesus). So, as you inch your way closer to the Advent season and prepare your heart for the birth of the Savior, might you take time to know the Way. If you need help in acquiring a bible, finding the best translation for you, finding a daily devotional to read through the bible chronologically, or even finding the best place to start please reach out to myself or an elder.
It is our hope here at Rose Park to connect the disconnected, empower the connected, and reconcile all things to God. We do this best when we our feet are firmly planted in the foundation of scripture. We do this best when our hearts intimately know the heart of Jesus. We do this best when we know the Way.
Grace & Peace,