A Text Message & A Sermon Evaluation

Dear Rose Park,

I imagine we all know someone who needs a little encouragement. Maybe they’re a little down after a recent relationship struggle. Maybe they’re bummed about a job opportunity that didn’t pan out. Maybe they’re depressed with how life is currently going. I also imagine each and every one of us has been that person who at one time or another needed a little encouragement. The past two days, it was me.

For one reason or another, I just didn’t feel very confident in how I preached my sermon on Sunday. It’s not as if I was worried that I said something heretical or intentionally against the Gospel of Christ, but it just didn’t feel solid. Something just felt off. If you’ve ever felt like that when it comes to your job, your parenting, or even your friendship then you know how those negative thoughts can quickly spiral into bigger questions about identity and purpose.

However, I was so appreciative because in the midst of those negative feelings I was blessed twice by someone’s encouragement. On Sunday evening, I was sitting in bed reading when my phone buzzed with a text message. It was a beloved member of the church telling me how grateful she was for my sermon earlier that day. My heart swelled with gratitude, and I told her how much I appreciated her kindness.

Then on Monday morning, I was cleaning my shelves in my office. I was moving some old folders around and I found a sermon evaluation sheet from a seminary professor back in 2014. Typed at the bottom of the form were these words: We need great pastors for the church. People who will love the church and serve the church with passion, intelligence, and care. You have these gifts. Though this professor’s words were ten years old they still encouraged me.

I mention these two examples to you not to fish for your encouragement. But rather, to implore you to encourage someone else. The Apostle Paul writes, “encourage one another and build each other up” in his letter to the Thessalonians, but also in his letter to Rose Park. So, would you be willing to reach out to someone and encourage them? Don’t wait until tomorrow or next week. Send the text message, make the phone call, or even ring the doorbell today.

Encourage one another with the love of Christ so that we might continue to be drawn closer to each other as we’re drawn closer to Him.

Grace & Peace,


Pastor Mark

Photo by Nate Smith on Unsplash