The Fire Pit

Dear Rose Park,

A few weeks ago I bought a fire pit to have in our backyard. It’s been a fun nighttime activity for Sam, the kids, and I; right before bedtime we set up the fire, take our seats on our favorite folding chairs, get out the s’mores ingredients (if the kids have been good listeners!), and then enjoy the crackling of the warm fire. There’s something very peaceful to me about staring into the blaze; I even like the smell of a campfire on my clothes afterwards. As I stare into the fire, I am reminded about all the stories in the bible where fire is present.

From the Lord descending on Mount Sinai in fire and and Isaiah’s lips being burned by a flaming piece of coal all the way to the Holy Spirit descending as flaming tongues at Pentecost and the rider named Faithful and True with flaming eyes in the book of Revelation and everything in between, fire is a very prominent image in the bible. As I stare into the fire pit in my own backyard, I’m reminded of these stories but just as important I’m compelled to share these stories around the fire.

When’s the last time you shared the story of Jesus? I don’t mean when’s the last time you converted someone or brought someone to the Lord (because I’m willing to bet that not many of us have had that experience), but when is the last time that you told someone else the Good News? When’s the last time you shared with someone how faithful God has been to you or how grateful you are for God’s grace, forgiveness, and mercy?

Typically, when we gather around the fire pit we tell stories. Maybe these are ghost stories or stories from our past, but perhaps the next time you figuratively or literally gather up the kindling, unfold your camping chairs, and strike a match you might be compelled to share the powerful and burning truth of the Gospel.

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Mark