Around the Table

Dear Rose Park,

My grandparents lived on Circlewood Drive in Portage Michigan. I can remember pulling up to their house and seeing their beautifully manicured lawn, the flagpole that stood outside, and the kissing Dutch boy and Dutch girl lawn ornaments. I can remember how my Grandma made scrambled eggs in the microwave and how my brothers and I thought this was a delicacy. I can remember sitting around their table and hearing my Grandpa read a devotion and pray. Grandma passed away in 2007 and Grandpa passed away in 2019, but these images and memories will never go away.

I’d imagine for many of us, some of our most cherished family memories occurred around the dinner table. Perhaps it was a story being told for the hundredth time, or the sound of laughter filling the kitchen, or even the tears that fell during a difficult conversation. The table is a place where individuals come together (not always blood-related individuals) in order to grow and mature as a family. Eating together helps promote self-esteem in children, develop communication skills in groups, creates an opportunity for healthy habits, and can even provide a safe and trusting forum for difficult conversations.

However, this growth and development can occur beyond the family-home. For example, it’s our hope at Rose Park to gather around the Family Table on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month in order to grow and develop our faith. Our faith grows as we become aware of the Holy Spirit moving inside each of us. Our faith grows when we share stories of how God is moving and working within our lives. Our faith grows when our voices unite in singing ‘Jesus Loves Me.’ And our faith grows when laughter and even tears are shared among brothers and sisters in Christ.

I remember vividly the meals that were shared around the table at Grandpa and Grandma’s home, this had nothing to do with the actual food, but instead the love that was shared among those gathered. This is all to say, we do not gather merely for the burgers and hotdogs, soup and salad, or slices of pizza but rather for the growth and development that occurs when our eyes, hearts, and minds are open to the presence of God around the table.

So, join us and invite a friend on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month. Join us at 5:30pm in the fellowship hall for food, games, and worship as we grow closer to each other and grow closer to Him.

Grace & Peace,


Pastor Mark

Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash