

Dear Rose Park,

Typically when we hear or read the word vow we think of a wedding. Images of a bride and groom standing at the altar making promises to love and care for one another in sickness and in health are conjured in our mind. However, vows are not limited to merely a wedding. As a pastor, I made vows when I was ordained; we made vows together when I was installed at Rose Park. This coming Sunday, we’ll make vows again as we welcome new members to Rose Park.

Dialogue, Not Debate

Dialogue, Not Debate

Dear Rose Park,

This past Thursday I drove to Grand Rapids to the regional headquarters of the Reformed Church in America for a meeting entitled The Upper Room. The intent of this gathering was to invite pastors and church leaders to engage in conversation, ask questions, and overall be curious as it relates to the future of the Church. I recognized some familiar faces and even sat next to two pastors whom I went to seminary. After a few cups of coffee and some brief introductions, our host began the conversation.

Around the Table

Around the Table

Dear Rose Park,

My grandparents lived on Circlewood Drive in Portage Michigan. I can remember pulling up to their house and seeing their beautifully manicured lawn, the flagpole that stood outside, and the kissing Dutch boy and Dutch girl lawn ornaments. I can remember how my Grandma made scrambled eggs in the microwave and how my brothers and I thought this was a delicacy. I can remember sitting around their table and hearing my Grandpa read a devotion and pray. Grandma passed away in 2007 and Grandpa passed away in 2019, but these images and memories will never go away.

Pearl & Peter

Pearl & Peter

Dear Rose Park,

This past weekend my brother and his family were in town. Kyle is my middle brother; he’s much smarter and far more talented than my brother Matt and I combined. Kyle and his wife Ashley live in Omaha, NE with their two daughters Hazel and Pearl. On Sunday evening, after playing at the park on 6th street near downtown Holland, we all ventured over to one of my favorite places, City Vu, for dinner.

65 Years

65 Years

Dear Rose Park,

As I turned off my microphone this past Sunday following worship, Alicia Kramer and her mom Mary Perez approached me with big smiles and a very old looking booklet. It turns out, as they were doing some cleaning around the house they found the dedication folder for Rose Park. Dated July 5-12, 1959, this folder shows the various services that were held to dedicate the sanctuary. As I was reading through it and seeing some of the pictures, I was struck by one of the dates.

Is That What Jesus Would Do?

Is That What Jesus Would Do?

Dear Rose Park,

Last week Friday, our beloved Jim Boeve fell on his bicycle and broke his ankle. His better half Vonnie is taking care of him and Jim is doing well in his recovery and if you’ve talked with him, then you know he’s certainly maintaining his sense of humor. When I told Simon and Winnie that Mr. Jim got hurt they were very concerned and immediately set out to make him ‘get-well soon’ cards.

Patience, Change & A Piano

Patience, Change & A Piano

Dear Rose Park,

Did you ever hear the story about the pastor who wanted to move the piano from one side of the stage to the other? He knew he couldn’t just move it all on one Sunday; it wasn’t a question of his physical capability, but he knew it wouldn’t go over well. The piano had always been on a certain side and it had never been moved. So, instead of a shock and awe approach, the pastor decided to be patient. Each Sunday he moved the piano just one inch until it eventually was on the other side. When he was finished, no one even noticed the subtle change.

Raise a Horn

Raise a Horn

Dear Rose Park,

As you know, I’m currently the volunteer chaplain at Camp Geneva this week. It’s been an unbelievable experience to care for the counselors, campers, and staff and to witness their faith come alive and grow. This year’s theme for Geneva is praise; it comes directly from these words from Psalm 148: Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Him in the heights! Praise Him, all His angels; praise Him, all His host! Praise Him, sun and moon; praise Him, all you shining stars! Praise Him, you highest heaves, and you waters above the heaven!

Reaction & Reflection

Reaction & Reflection

Dear Rose Park,

I’m an early riser; most days my alarm goes off at 5:00am. I like the stillness and quiet of the mornings. I also learned relatively quickly after having children, if I want quiet and solitude it either has to occur early in the morning or late at night. Seeing that I’m falling asleep before 10:00pm on the couch I choose to rise a bit earlier than most, take the dog for a walk, brew a pot of coffee and maybe get a crossword in before 6:30am.

Yay God

Yay God

Dear Rose Park,

This past Sunday evening, I had the great joy and privilege to attend worship with our friends at Benjamin’s Hope. Sam and I sat across the aisle from Jim and Deb Kiekover and alongside Kylee Duistermars and her two sons, Charlie and Graham. We sang with full voices, laughed with full bellies, and worshipped with full hearts. It was a beautiful service and I hope you can join us next time.